22 April, 2024: Vårgrønn, a joint venture between Plenitude (Eni) and HitecVision, alongside Flotation Energy, has secured offshore planning approval from the UK government, for Green Volt, a 560 MW floating offshore wind project in Scotland. This offshore approval follows the earlier onshore consent obtained this month. With this approval secured, Green Volt has now obtained all the essential planning permissions and is primed to establish itself as Europe's inaugural commercial-scale offshore wind farm. Set to start operations in 2029, Green Volt will boast a maximum of 35 floating wind turbines upon its completion.

Scotland First Minister Humza Yousaf said in the company’s press release, “It is great news that we have consented the first project in the Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round – this is a significant milestone, which will help secure Scotland’s place at the forefront of floating wind technology. “We have already underlined our commitment to making Scotland a global leader in offshore wind by committing to invest up to £500m [$618.02m) over five years to catalyse private investment in the infrastructure and manufacturing facilities critical to the growth of the sector.”

In the same press release, Vårgrønn CEO Olav Hetland expressed, “With Green Volt being Europe’s first commercial-scale floating wind project, achieving offshore consent for the project marks an important moment for the whole offshore wind industry. At 560 MW, Green Volt serves as an essential stepping stone from current small-scale projects to gigawatt-size developments, supporting the supply chain in scaling up new technology. Floating wind is set to be a huge global market in the decades to come.”

By harnessing the power of offshore wind, the Green Volt project not only promises significant electricity generation but also underscores the potential of renewable energy to meet the UK's growing energy needs while minimising environmental impact. Its offshore location capitalises on strong and consistent wind resources, ensuring reliable electricity production while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

The approval of the Green Volt offshore wind project marks a transformative milestone, demonstrating the UK's leadership in renewable energy and its unwavering commitment to building a cleaner, more sustainable future for generations to come. As construction commences and the turbines begin to turn, the Green Volt project will stand as a beacon of progress, inspiring further innovation and driving the transition towards a greener and sustainable world.