05 June, 2024: In a landmark move towards sustainable transportation and renewable energy integration, Smart energy company, GridBeyond has inked a transformative deal with Stagecoach, one of the largest bus operators in the UK. This partnership aims to optimise Stagecoach's electric vehicle fleet while seamlessly integrating renewable energy into its business strategy.

The collaboration signifies a pivotal shift in the transportation sector, where bus companies are increasingly recognising the potential of their EV fleets not just as consumers but as active contributors to the power grid's decarbonisation. Under the agreement, Stagecoach plans to leverage GridBeyond's expertise to participate in the Capacity Market starting October 2024, with a focus on supporting the grid during times of high stress events.

A Stagecoach representative highlighted that their participation in the Capacity Market is geared towards aiding the grid, particularly during periods of elevated risk associated with system stress events. Additionally, the company seeks to reduce the total cost of ownership associated with its fleet transition to EVs by generating revenues through participation in the Capacity Market.

The integration of renewable energy into Stagecoach's business strategy underscores a commitment to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. By harnessing GridBeyond's innovative solutions, Stagecoach aims to not only optimise its EV fleet but also explore new avenues to support the grid amidst the ongoing energy transition.

Michael Kent, GridBeyond's Head of EV Solutions, conveyed his excitement regarding the collaboration, emphasising the multitude of opportunities for EV fleet operators to contribute to grid support and the energy transition. Kent also expressed anticipation for collaborating with Stagecoach to initiate the Capacity Market program, noting that the long-term contract reflects GridBeyond's recognised expertise and capabilities.

The collaboration between GridBeyond and Stagecoach signifies a significant step forward in the evolution of sustainable transportation and energy integration in the UK. As bus companies increasingly embrace EV technology, the potential for leveraging these fleets to support the grid and drive decarbonisation efforts becomes more apparent than ever before.

Through their partnership, GridBeyond and Stagecoach are positioned to develop innovation, sustainability, and efficiency within the transportation and energy domains, thus laying the groundwork for a more environment-friendly future.