09 Oct, 2023: Leading natural gas company, Aramco and Danish decarbonisation technology supplier, Topsoe have joined forces to demonstrate advanced technology, eREACT™, for low-carbon hydrogen production. The project's objective is to demonstrate the expandability and effectiveness of the eREACT™ technology and its capacity to lower carbon emissions.

Topsoe's innovative eREACT™ technology platform represents a groundbreaking solution for the low-carbon hydrogen production, with the potential to dramatically cut down on carbon emissions. The hydrogen generated through this platform will exhibit an almost negligible carbon footprint.

This innovative platform is designed to generate blue hydrogen and incorporate a pioneering electrified reactor design, capable of converting diverse raw materials into low-carbon hydrogen, as well as other chemical compounds and fuels.

As per the agreement, both firms will construct a pilot facility at the Shaybah Natural Gas Liquids recovery plant located in Saudi Arabia. Within the project, renewable power sources will drive the process of using electrified steam reforming of natural gas to create blue hydrogen, while the ensuing carbon dioxide (CO2) will be securely stored.

Elena Scaltritti, Chief Commercial Officer at Topsoe, said in a company press release, “We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Aramco through which we demonstrate an innovative solution for producing low-carbon hydrogen. The cornerstone of this collaboration is Topsoe’s eREACT™, which is a groundbreaking technology platform producing low-carbon fuels and chemicals while eliminating flue gas emissions. This marks a crucial step in the transition to a net-zero future, and we couldn't be more excited to be at the forefront of this transformative change. We look forward to working with Aramco on this exciting project.”

This partnership marks a significant milestone in the journey toward a sustainable and carbon-neutral future. The possibilities that this collaboration unlocks are profound, and as we look to the horizon, it's evident that blue hydrogen is poised to play a pivotal role in reducing carbon emissions and driving a cleaner, more sustainable hydrogen economy.