Positive news for the UK events industry - Large business events up to 4,000 capacity to be allowed from December, says Prime Minister

Prime minister Boris Johnson has said that business events will be allowed to continue in Tier 1 and Tier 2 areas when the UK emerges from national lockdown on 2 December.

Speaking to the House of Commons via videolink, 23 November, the prime minister said: “In Tiers one and two, spectator sports and business events will be able to resume indoors and outside with capacity limits and social distancing, providing more consistency with performances in theatres and concert halls.”

As a result of the Winter Plan, large events, including business events, elite sport events and live performances may run at the following capacities: At Tier 1 these will be 50% capacity or 4,000 outdoors and 1,000 indoors, whichever is lower and at Tier 2 these will be 50% capacity or 2,000 outdoors and 1,000 indoors, whichever is lower. All events are subject to social distancing. Events will not be permitted to run in Tier 3 areas.

Venues hosting business meetings and other such events will need to follow the Meeting Industry Association's Government-approved guidance, while larger events will need to comply with the AEO, AEV, and ESSA's All Secure Standard.

The prime minister also outlined plans for quicker mass testing, which he hoped will pave the way for those testing negative to return to some semblance of normality.