22 May, 2024: With a firm commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change, the London borough of Haringey has revealed its intention to install 38 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at 19 strategic sites across the area, aiming to enhance accessibility to green transportation options.

This endeavour signifies a substantial growth of Haringey's current EV infrastructure, which presently includes 231 on-street charging stations, demonstrating a notable advancement in the borough's commitment to sustainable transportation solutions. The newly proposed stations will feature dual sockets on each side, allowing for the simultaneous charging of two vehicles. Total Energies Charging Solutions UK has been entrusted with the installation and management of these cutting-edge charging points.

The decision comes as part of Haringey's broader strategy to address the growing demand for EV charging infrastructure. According to estimates by the borough council, an additional 962 standard chargers and 61 rapid charge points will be required by 2030 to accommodate the anticipated surge in EV adoption.

Councillor Mike Hakata, in his capacity as deputy leader and cabinet member overseeing climate action, environmental policies, and transportation, conveyed the borough's strong dedication to advancing sustainability efforts. He articulated the council's commitment to creating a more equitable and environment friendly Haringey. The expansion of EV charging infrastructure aligns with their broader goal of reducing carbon emissions from transportation, thereby addressing the urgent challenge of climate change. The initiative is expected to yield tangible benefits for local residents, facilitating increased adoption of electric vehicles while concurrently enhancing air quality throughout the borough.

The announcement has received widespread acclaim from environmental advocates and residents alike, who view it as a positive step towards promoting cleaner transportation options and mitigating the environmental impact of traditional vehicles. With Haringey leading the charge in EV infrastructure expansion, the borough is poised to emerge as a frontrunner in the global transition towards sustainable mobility.