Food plays a pivotal role in shaping our overall well-being, often serving as a therapeutic aid. During a recent illuminating interview with Rajiv Ambat, Founder & CEO of NuvoVivo, discussed the connections between our diet and health with Muhammad Younis. He also talked about the role of nutraceuticals and how they differ from traditional medications in terms of impact and approach. Additionally, Rajiv provided a sneak peek into NuvoVivo's contribution to human wellness.

#LBS: In what manner do specific dietary interventions act as a therapeutic tool, not only promoting healing but also enriching overall well-being and potentially prolonging Longevity?

Rajiv Ambat: The profound statement, ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ attributed to Greek physician Hippocrates pretty much sums up the connection between diet and health. It is proven beyond doubt that a scientific and structured eating habit has the therapeutic potential in promoting healing, enriching overall well-being, and potentially prolonging longevity.

Dietary interventions act as powerful therapeutic tools by addressing various physiological pathways and processes within the body. Foods replete with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients provide the body with the necessary building blocks for cellular repair and regeneration. It supports optimal functioning of bodily systems, including the immune system, nervous system, and hormonal balance.

Specific dietary interventions can exert anti-inflammatory effects, to combat chronic inflammation linked to numerous health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders. For instance, consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the body, bring down blood cholesterol, foster healing and lower the risk of chronic diseases.

The food we consume also impacts our gut microbiome that is composed of trillions of microorganisms in the GI tract. They play a pivotal role in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, and even mood regulation. A diet rich in prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods, can improve gut health, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall well-being. Stabilizing blood sugar levels is another critical aspect addressed by dietary interventions. Fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to energy crashes, cravings, and insulin resistance. A diet low in refined sugars and carbohydrates, coupled with adequate fiber, healthy fats, and lean proteins, can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and promoting sustained energy.

Weight management is also pivotal for overall health and longevity. Dietary interventions emphasizing portion control, balanced macronutrient intake, and mindful eating can support weight loss or weight maintenance goals, reducing the risk of obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers.

Furthermore, specific nutrients are essential for brain health and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins B and D are particularly crucial. Dietary interventions can hence even help reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

Additionally, heart health can be significantly influenced by dietary choices. A diet low in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol, while high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can promote heart health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

By reducing the risk of age-related diseases and promoting healthy aging, dietary interventions go a long way in extending lifespan and improving quality of life.

#LBS: Can you elaborate on the role of nutraceuticals in promoting health, and how do they differ from traditional medications in terms of approach and impact?

Rajiv Ambat: In today's fast-paced world, the hectic demands of modern life often lead many individuals to prioritize convenience over nutritional quality in their dietary choices. Busy schedules, long work hours, and on-the-go lifestyles frequently result in reliance on processed foods, fast food options, and convenience meals, which are typically high in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium, while lacking essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. As a result, many people find themselves falling short of meeting their daily nutritional needs, leading to imbalances in their nutrient profiles and potentially compromising their overall health and well-being. In such circumstances, nutraceuticals can offer a valuable solution by providing concentrated doses of bioactive compounds, helping to fill the nutritional gaps and support optimal health.

Nutraceuticals may hence support overall well-being, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and protect against chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. Some of them can also provide targeted support for specific health conditions or concerns. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are often used to support heart health and cognitive function, while glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are commonly used to support joint health and alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis.

That said it is important to also note that, while they offer potential health benefits, they are not without their limitations and considerations. While they can provide concentrated doses of beneficial nutrients, their efficacy and safety may vary depending on factors such as product quality, individual health status, and interactions with other medications or supplements.

Nutraceuticals generally have fewer reported side effects compared to traditional medications; however, they are not entirely risk-free. Certain compounds may interact with medications or exacerbate underlying health conditions, particularly if taken in high doses or for extended periods. For example, herbal supplements can interact with prescription medications such as anti-depressants, anti-hypertensives etc, sometimes even causing adverse impacts.

Regulatory laws governing nutraceuticals also vary by country, leading to inconsistencies in product quality, labeling, and safety standards. While reputable manufacturers adhere to good manufacturing practices and quality control measures, consumers may encounter inferior products or misleading claims from less scrupulous suppliers. This lack of standardization can make it challenging for consumers to make informed choices about which nutraceuticals to use and how to use them safely.

Relying solely on nutraceuticals for health benefits may overlook the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and other lifestyle factors in promoting overall well-being. While nutraceuticals can complement a healthy lifestyle, they should not serve as a substitute for nutritious food choices and other health-promoting behaviors.

#LBS: NuvoVivo's concept of "Reverse Your Age" is intriguing; could you shed light on how this concept is made possible, and what scientific or innovative approaches are employed to achieve such outcomes?

Rajiv Ambat: NuvoVivo's concept of "Reverse Your Age" is rooted in the understanding that a well-managed lifestyle incorporating proper nutrition and exercise can significantly improve health and metabolic parameters. Aging is often characterized by a decline in metabolism, loss of lean muscle mass, and other physiological changes. However, through appropriate diet and exercise, the progression of these age-related changes can be slowed or even halted.

By focusing on reducing visceral fat, improving muscle quality, strength, and agility, individuals can not only reverse or manage many lifestyle diseases, but also achieve a more youthful appearance. This is what we mean by "Reverse Your Age" – when one's metabolic age is younger than their actual age, indicating a successful rejuvenation of the body's metabolic processes and overall health. At NuvoVivo we employ structured and scientific lifestyle interventions, personalized diet and exercise plans, and comprehensive support to help individuals achieve these transformative outcomes, reverse or manage lifestyle diseases, reduce reliance on medications and live healthier, more vibrant lives.

#LBS: Can you provide insights into notable success stories from NuvoVivo? We're keen to grasp the methodologies employed and the overarching responses to better comprehend their impact.

Rajiv Ambat: Certainly! NuvoVivo has a wealth of success stories that highlight the effectiveness of their methodologies in transforming lives and improving health outcomes. With extensive experience working with over 5000 clients, NuvoVivo has successfully managed various lifestyle diseases, reducing reliance on medications and empowering individuals to take control of their health.

One notable success story involves a client diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who had struggled to manage their condition through medication alone. By implementing a personalized diet and exercise plan tailored to the client's needs, NuvoVivo helped them achieve significant improvements in blood sugar levels, insulin sensitivity, and overall metabolic health. Through structured lifestyle interventions and ongoing support, the client was even able to reduce the dosages of diabetes medications significantly, and achieve sustainable long-term control of their condition.

Similarly, NuvoVivo has worked with individuals diagnosed with hypertension, fatty liver disease, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), and other lifestyle-related conditions, achieving remarkable results through comprehensive lifestyle management. Our programs involve customised programs for each individual based on their age, cultural (food) habits, underlying health conditions, associated co-morbidities etc. By optimizing nutrition, promoting regular physical activity, and addressing underlying metabolic imbalances, we have been able to make significant improvements in various body vitals and overall health of our clients.

The methodologies employed by NuvoVivo are rooted in scientific principles and personalized approaches tailored to each individual's unique needs and goals. The overarching response to NuvoVivo's interventions has been overwhelmingly positive, with clients experiencing significant improvements in energy levels, quality of life, and overall well-being. Many have reported reductions in symptoms, such as fatigue, pain, and digestive issues, as well as improvements in mood, sleep, and cognitive function.

#LBS: The London Biotechnology Show 2024 is dedicated to delving into the realms of biotech solutions, aiming to unravel their profound impact on elevating health and well-being. How do you perceive the significance of such events and their potential implications for the future?

Rajiv Ambat: Events like the London Biotechnology Show play a crucial role in advancing the field of biotechnology and its impact on health and well-being. These events provide a platform for researchers, scientists, industry professionals, policymakers, and other stakeholders to come together, share knowledge, showcase innovations, and collaborate on cutting-edge biotech solutions.

Such events should also foster interdisciplinary collaboration and drive innovation across various sectors, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, environmental science, and beyond. By bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds, biotechnology shows facilitate the exchange of ideas, promote cross-pollination of knowledge, and spark new insights that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.

Such events also serve as a catalyst for translating scientific research into real-world applications and commercial products. They also provide a platform for biotech startups, companies, and investors to network, attract funding, and showcase their latest technologies and products. This ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship fuels the development of new therapies, diagnostics, treatments, and interventions that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve quality of life for millions of people worldwide. I wish the London Biotechnology Show - 2024, all the very best!