We are excited to present a Q&A session with Callam Llewellyn-Kiely, Head of Hydrogen at Cubiq Recruitment. Renowned for his leadership in global Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, and Electrolyzer recruitment, Callam collaborates with industry leaders, offering strategic insights and facilitating collaborations. In this session, he'll delve into key factors driving the hydrogen market's rapid expansion, diverse career paths within the sector, sought-after skill sets, global opportunities from the Middle East's hydrogen shift, and the impact of events like the World Hydrogen Forum. Audiences can anticipate valuable insights from a seasoned professional shaping the workforce and industry growth in the dynamic realm of Hydrogen technologies.

Join us for a concise exploration of the hydrogen landscape, offering essential knowledge for industry professionals and enthusiasts alike.

#WHF: What key factors are currently driving the rapid expansion of the hydrogen market, and how do these factors signal its potential as a transformative energy source in the near future?

Mr Callam: The rapid expansion of the hydrogen market can be attributed to several key factors that collectively signal its potential as a transformative energy source in the near future. These factors are intricately linked to the global shift towards sustainable and clean energy solutions. Here are some key drivers:

1. Climate Change Imperative:

The increasing urgency to address climate change has elevated the importance of green technologies. Hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy, offers a carbon-neutral alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

2. Decarbonization Goals:

Many countries and industries have set ambitious decarbonization goals. Hydrogen, as a versatile and clean energy carrier, plays a crucial role in helping these entities achieve their targets by replacing or supplementing existing high-emission processes.

3. Technological Advancements:

Advances in hydrogen production technologies, especially electrolysis and fuel cell technologies, have made hydrogen more economically viable. The decreasing costs associated with these technologies contribute significantly to the market's expansion.

4. Global Policy Support:

Governments and international organisations are increasingly recognizing the potential of hydrogen in their energy transition plans. Supportive policies, incentives, and investments are driving the growth of the hydrogen market globally.

5. Industry Collaboration:

The hydrogen sector is witnessing increased collaboration between governments, industry players, and research institutions. This collaborative approach is fostering innovation, creating economies of scale, and accelerating the development of a robust hydrogen ecosystem.

6. Diversification of Hydrogen Applications:

Hydrogen is finding applications beyond traditional industrial uses. It is gaining traction in sectors such as transportation, power generation, and heating, indicating its versatility and potential to address energy needs across various domains.

The convergence of environmental concerns, technological progress, policy backing, collaborative efforts, and the diversification of hydrogen applications is driving the rapid expansion of the hydrogen market. These factors collectively position hydrogen as a pivotal and transformative energy source with the potential to reshape the global energy landscape in the near future.

#WHF: What specific job roles and career paths are available within the expanding hydrogen sector, spanning from research and development to engineering and management?

Mr Callam: The expanding hydrogen sector offers a diverse range of job roles and career paths, attracting professionals with varied skills and expertise. From research and development to engineering, management, board members and investors. There is a great struggle in the industry for companies to attract and hire talent with already existing Hydrogen experience, this is mainly due to competition. Here are some examples of positions within the Hydrogen sector:

Research and Development:

  • Research Scientists: Engaged in developing innovative technologies for hydrogen production, storage, and utilisation.
  • Stack engineers: Innovate in hydrogen fuel cell technology, including product development, testing, validation, and iterative improvement.
  • Materials Scientists: Focused on exploring and optimising materials for fuel cells, Electrolyzers, and hydrogen storage systems.
  • Computational Chemists: Utilise computational methods to simulate and analyse chemical reactions relevant to hydrogen technologies.
  • Data Scientists: Apply data analytics to optimise processes and enhance efficiency in hydrogen-related research.


  • Chemical Engineers: Involved in designing and optimising processes for hydrogen production, including steam methane reforming and electrolysis.
  • Mechanical Engineers: Contribute to the design and improvement of hydrogen storage and transportation systems. hydrogen storage an
  • Electrical Engineers: Play a key role in the development and enhancement of electrolysis and fuel cell technologies.
  • Automation Engineers: Implement and maintain automated systems in hydrogen production facilities.
  • Process Engineers: Focus on optimising and improving the overall processes involved in hydrogen production and utilisation.

Production and Operations:

  • Hydrogen Plant Operators: Oversee the day-to-day operations of hydrogen production facilities.
  • Quality Control Specialists: Ensure the quality and safety of hydrogen products and processes.
  • Maintenance Technicians: Perform routine maintenance and troubleshoot issues in hydrogen production equipment.
  • Process Optimization Engineers: Continuously improve operational efficiency through process optimization.

Project Management:

  • Project Managers: Lead and coordinate hydrogen-related projects from conception to completion.
  • Program Directors: Oversee multiple projects, ensuring alignment with organisational goals and timelines.
  • Risk Managers: Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with hydrogen projects.
  • Cost Estimators: Assess project costs and develop budgets for hydrogen initiatives.

Business Development and Sales:

  • Business Development Managers: Identify and pursue opportunities for expanding the organisation's presence in the hydrogen market.
  • Sales Executives: Build and maintain relationships with clients and partners, promoting hydrogen solutions.
  • Market Analysts: Conduct market research to identify trends and opportunities in the hydrogen sector.
  • Customer Relationship Managers: Foster strong relationships with key clients and address their needs.

Policy and Regulation:

  • Regulatory Affairs Specialists: Navigate and ensure compliance with evolving regulations in the hydrogen sector.
  • Policy Analysts: Contribute to the development of favourable policies and frameworks for the hydrogen industry.
  • Legal Advisors: Provide legal guidance on regulatory compliance and contractual matters in the hydrogen sector.
  • Environmental Compliance Managers: Ensure adherence to environmental regulations in hydrogen-related operations.


  • Sustainability Managers: Develop and implement strategies to integrate sustainability practices across hydrogen-related operations.
  • Operations Managers: Oversee day-to-day activities, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in hydrogen production facilities.
  • Supply Chain Managers: Manage the logistics and distribution of hydrogen products.
  • Business Executives: Provide strategic leadership and direction to organisations within the hydrogen sector.

Education and Training:

  • Hydrogen Technology Trainers: Educate professionals on the latest advancements and best practices in the hydrogen sector.
  • Academic Researchers and Instructors: Contribute to the education and training of the next generation of hydrogen professionals.
  • Curriculum Developers: Design educational programs and courses focused on hydrogen technologies.
  • E-Learning Developers: Create digital learning materials for online courses in the hydrogen field.

#WHF: What specific technical and non-technical skill sets do companies typically seek when recruiting employees for roles in the hydrogen industry?

Mr Callam: When recruiting employees for roles in the hydrogen industry, companies typically seek a combination of technical and non-technical skill sets to ensure a well-rounded workforce. Of course, what a company looks will be specific per position, however, there are skill sets that are commonly requested from clients. Again, our clients have expressed they are most keen on seeing already existing experience in the Hydrogen sector. Here are the specific skills often in demand.

Technical Skill Sets:

1. Chemical Engineering Expertise:

  • Understanding of chemical processes involved in hydrogen production and utilisation.
  • Proficiency in process simulation software for optimising chemical reactions.
  • Knowledge of catalysis mechanisms in hydrogen production.

2. Electrochemistry Knowledge:

  • Proficiency in electrochemical processes related to fuel cells and electrolysis.
  • Familiarity with the latest advancements in electrochemical materials.
  • Ability to troubleshoot and optimise electrochemical systems.

3. Mechanical Engineering Skills:

  • Knowledge of mechanical systems, especially in the design and maintenance of hydrogen infrastructure.
  • Expertise in stress analysis and material selection for hydrogen-related components.
  • Skills in designing and implementing mechanical systems for hydrogen storage and transportation.

4. Electrical Engineering Competence:

  • Expertise in electrical systems, crucial for the development and optimization of electrolysis and fuel cell technologies.
  • Familiarity with power electronics and control systems in hydrogen applications.
  • Ability to integrate electrical systems into hydrogen infrastructure.

5. Materials Science Proficiency:

  • Understanding of materials suitable for hydrogen storage, fuel cells, and related components.
  • Knowledge of nanomaterials and their applications in hydrogen technologies.
  • Skills in material characterization and testing for hydrogen-related applications.

6. Automation and Control Systems Expertise:

  • Ability to design, implement, and maintain automated systems in hydrogen production facilities.
  • Proficiency in PLC programming for process automation.
  • Knowledge of control strategies for optimising hydrogen production processes.

7. Data Analytics and Modelling Skills:

  • Proficient in using data analytics and modelling tools for process optimization and efficiency improvement.
  • Experience in machine learning applications for predicting and optimising hydrogen processes.
  • Ability to interpret and communicate insights derived from data analysis.

8. Safety and Quality Assurance Knowledge:

  • Understanding of safety protocols and quality assurance standards relevant to hydrogen production.
  • Experience in conducting hazard and risk assessments in hydrogen facilities.
  • Skills in implementing and maintaining quality management systems for hydrogen processes.

Non-Technical Skill Sets:

1. Problem-Solving Skills:

  • Ability to analyse complex issues and develop effective solutions, particularly in the dynamic hydrogen industry.
  • Innovative problem-solving approach, contributing to advancements in hydrogen technologies.
  • Critical thinking skills for addressing challenges in hydrogen production and application.

2. Communication and Collaboration:

  • Strong communication skills to convey technical concepts and collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  • Ability to communicate complex technical information to non-technical stakeholders.
  • Effective collaboration skills in diverse, multicultural teams.

3. Adaptability and Innovation:

  • Flexibility to adapt to evolving technologies and the ability to contribute to innovative solutions.
  • Proactive approach to embracing new technologies and methodologies in the hydrogen sector.
  • Ability to drive innovation in response to industry changes and challenges.

4. Project Management Abilities:

  • Skills to manage projects efficiently, ensuring timely completion and adherence to budget.
  • Proficiency in project management tools for planning and tracking hydrogen-related projects.
  • Experience in coordinating and leading multidisciplinary project teams.

5. Business Acumen:

  • Understanding of the business aspects of the hydrogen industry, including market trends and financial considerations.
  • Ability to analyse market dynamics and make strategic decisions for hydrogen initiatives.
  • Awareness of regulatory and policy factors impacting the business side of the hydrogen sector.

6. Leadership and Decision-Making:

  • Leadership qualities to guide teams and make informed decisions in a rapidly evolving industry.
  • Ability to make sound decisions under uncertainty and dynamic conditions.
  • Skills in motivating and inspiring teams toward achieving hydrogen-related goals.

7. Environmental and Sustainability Awareness:

  • Recognition of the environmental impact of hydrogen processes and a commitment to sustainable practices.
  • Familiarity with life cycle assessments and sustainable practices in hydrogen production.
  • Ability to integrate environmental considerations into decision-making processes.

8. Global Perspective:

  • Awareness of international regulations and market dynamics, given the global nature of the hydrogen industry.
  • Understanding of cultural nuances and global business practices in the hydrogen sector.
  • Ability to navigate and adapt to the diverse regulatory environments in different regions.

#WHF: What global opportunities arise from the strategic shift of Middle Eastern countries towards a hydrogen-based economy?

Mr Callam: The strategic shift of Middle Eastern countries towards a hydrogen-based economy presents a host of global opportunities that extend beyond the region. This transition holds significant implications for the energy landscape and offers various opportunities on a global scale. Here are some key opportunities:

1. Hydrogen Export Market:

  • Production Hubs: Middle Eastern countries, with their abundant renewable energy resources, can become key hubs for green hydrogen production. This opens up opportunities for exporting hydrogen to regions with high demand but limited capacity for local production.
  • Global Supply Chains: The development of hydrogen export infrastructure establishes new global supply chains, fostering economic collaboration and trade partnerships.

2. Technological Innovation and Collaboration:

  • Research and Development: The shift towards a hydrogen-based economy in the Middle East stimulates increased research and development activities. Collaborative efforts between Middle Eastern nations and global partners can accelerate technological innovation in hydrogen production, storage, and utilisation.
  • Knowledge Exchange: The international community benefits from knowledge exchange and collaboration on advanced technologies, contributing to the overall progress of the hydrogen sector.

3. Carbon Neutrality and Climate Goals:

  • Global Emission Reduction: The increased availability of green hydrogen from the Middle East supports global efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Countries worldwide can incorporate green hydrogen into their energy mix, aiding in the transition to more sustainable and climate-friendly energy sources.
  • Coordinated Climate Initiatives: Middle Eastern nations aligning their hydrogen strategies with global climate goals can contribute to coordinated efforts in achieving broader international sustainability objectives.

4. Infrastructure Development:

  • Global Investment Opportunities: The construction of hydrogen infrastructure in the Middle East creates opportunities for international investors and engineering firms to participate in large-scale projects.
  • Technology Transfer: Infrastructure development in the region can lead to the transfer of hydrogen-related technologies globally, fostering a more widespread adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier.

5. Diversification of Energy Portfolios:

  • Reducing Dependence on Fossil Fuels: Middle Eastern countries diversifying their energy portfolios with hydrogen reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. This, in turn, contributes to global energy security by introducing an additional, sustainable energy source.

6. Geopolitical Stability and Economic Growth:

  • Enhanced Geopolitical Relations: The strategic shift towards a hydrogen-based economy can enhance geopolitical stability in the Middle East. International collaborations in the hydrogen sector may contribute to strengthened diplomatic relations.
  • Economic Growth in the Region: The development of a hydrogen economy fosters economic growth in the Middle East, creating new job opportunities and revenue streams. This economic prosperity has a positive spillover effect on the global economy.

7. Capacity Building and Skills Transfer:

  • Workforce Development: The growth of the hydrogen sector in the Middle East necessitates skilled professionals. This creates opportunities for knowledge transfer and capacity building, benefitting the global workforce.
  • Global Talent Mobility: Professionals with expertise in hydrogen technologies from the Middle East may contribute to global projects, facilitating the exchange of skills and expertise.
  • Education Partnerships: Collaborative initiatives between Middle Eastern educational institutions and global counterparts can establish programs focused on hydrogen-related disciplines, fostering a new generation of skilled professionals.
  • Training Programs: Implementation of international training programs, workshops, and skill development initiatives to enhance the capabilities of professionals entering the hydrogen workforce globally.

The strategic shift of Middle Eastern countries towards a hydrogen-based economy unlocks a range of global opportunities spanning economic, technological, environmental, and geopolitical dimensions. Collaboration and engagement with these opportunities can play a pivotal role in advancing the global transition to a sustainable energy future.

#WHF: How can global events like the World Hydrogen Forum contribute to advancing knowledge, fostering collaborations, and shaping the future of the hydrogen industry?

Mr Callam: Global events like the World Hydrogen Forum play a crucial role in advancing knowledge, fostering collaborations, and shaping the future of the hydrogen industry in several ways:

1. Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination:

  • Expert Insights: The forum brings together leading experts, researchers, and industry professionals, providing a platform for sharing the latest research findings, technological advancements, and insights related to hydrogen.
  • Educational Opportunities: Workshops, panels, and presentations at the forum offer valuable educational opportunities, disseminating knowledge on emerging trends and best practices within the hydrogen sector.

2. Networking and Collaboration Building:

  • Global Networking: The event serves as a global meeting point, facilitating networking among professionals, stakeholders, and organisations from various parts of the world. This networking can lead to collaborative projects and partnerships.
  • Business Matchmaking: Forums often include dedicated sessions for business matchmaking, connecting companies, investors, and innovators with common interests in the hydrogen industry.

3. Policy Discussions and Advocacy:

  • Policy Alignment: The forum provides a platform for policymakers to discuss and align strategies, regulations, and incentives that support the growth of the hydrogen industry globally.
  • Advocacy Initiatives: Discussions at the forum can lead to the development of advocacy initiatives, promoting supportive policies for hydrogen adoption at the international, national, and regional levels.

4.Showcasing Innovation and Technologies:

  • Technology Exhibition: Events often feature exhibitions where companies and innovators showcase their latest technologies, products, and solutions. This exposure helps in the dissemination of innovative ideas and accelerates the adoption of new technologies.

5. Investment Opportunities:

  • Access to Capital: The forum provides a platform for hydrogen-related projects to attract investments. Investors attending the event can explore investment opportunities in diverse segments of the hydrogen value chain.
  • Pitch Sessions: Dedicated sessions or competitions may allow startups and entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to potential investors, fostering financial support for innovative projects.

6. International Collaboration for Research:

  • Research Collaborations: Forums facilitate discussions on collaborative research initiatives, encouraging international partnerships among research institutions and universities focused on hydrogen-related studies.
  • Shared Research Platforms: The event may serve as a catalyst for the establishment of shared research platforms, enabling collaborative efforts in addressing common challenges faced by the hydrogen industry.

7. Public Awareness and Education:

  • Media Presence: The forum attracts media attention, helping raise public awareness about the importance of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier. This increased awareness contributes to public support and understanding of hydrogen-related initiatives.
  • Educational Outreach: Parallel to the main event, educational programs and outreach activities can be organised to engage local communities and educational institutions in learning about hydrogen technologies.

8. Policy and Regulatory Harmonization:

  • Global Standards: Forums provide a platform for discussions on establishing global standards for hydrogen production, storage, and utilisation. Harmonising regulations can facilitate international trade and collaboration.
  • Regulatory Guidance: Policymakers can exchange experiences and offer regulatory guidance, leading to more consistent and conducive regulatory frameworks for the hydrogen industry globally.

The World Hydrogen Forum and similar global events serve as catalysts for progress in the hydrogen industry by fostering collaboration, disseminating knowledge, attracting investments, and influencing policy decisions on an international scale.