We are excited to present an insightful Q&A session with Carlo Iacovini, General Manager of Energica Inside. With over 25 years of experience in business development, product management, sales, and marketing within the mobility industry, Carlo brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. His extensive career has spanned across both city-level and international landscapes, where he has successfully managed companies, deployed services, and opened new markets. Specializing in new mobility, public transport, and automotive sectors, Carlo has been a driving force in shared and digital mobility as well as electric vehicle technology. He is also the author of "Car Sharing. The Moving Business. How the Sharing Economy is Shaping Our Mobility," a book that delves into the transformative impact of the sharing economy on transportation. In this session, Carlo shares his insights on leveraging data from electric vehicles, the collaboration between the EV industry and energy providers, the future of battery technologies, the integration of traditional automotive knowledge with innovative EV startups, and the role of industry events like the London EV Show in accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles. Join us as we explore the future of sustainable and efficient transportation with one of the leading voices in the industry.

#LEVS: Beyond environmental benefits, electric vehicles offer unique opportunities for data  collection and analysis. How can this data be leveraged by the EV industry to create a  more sustainable and efficient transportation ecosystem, considering both public and  private sectors?

#Carlo Iacovini: We can say that data is the new “oil,” along with electricity, of course!

Electric Vehicles (EVs) aren’t just about cleaner air; they offer a treasure trove of data that  can really revolutionize transportation. By leveraging this data, the EV industry can  achieve three main goals, benefiting both the public and private sectors:

Optimizing Charging Infrastructure: Data on charging patterns can pinpoint high demand areas for new charging stations and help develop dynamic pricing strategies to  encourage off-peak charging and reduce grid strain.

Predictive Maintenance: By analyzing vehicle sensor data, dealerships and service  centers can predict potential issues before they turn into breakdowns, minimizing  downtime and extending vehicle life.

Smart Traffic Management: Aggregated vehicle location data can optimize traffic light  timings and reroute traffic in real-time, reducing congestion and emissions. Public-private  partnerships can use this data to create intelligent transportation systems.

These three main topics will help create a more sustainable and efficient future for sure.

#LEVS: Shared mobility models are often hailed as a potential solution for urban congestion.  However, concerns exist regarding the impact of a large number of EVs on electricity  grids. How can the EV industry collaborate with energy providers to ensure a smooth  transition to a future dominated by shared electric vehicles?

#Carlo Iacovini: Shared mobility models with EVs have significant potential, yet valid concerns about the  grid remain. The EV industry and energy providers can collaborate for a seamless  transition: Through innovative Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology, EVs serve as mobile  batteries, feeding power back to the grid during peak times, encouraging EV ownership  and stabilizing the grid.

Integrating charging stations near renewable energy sources like solar and wind  reduces reliance on traditional power plants, fostering a cleaner energy ecosystem through  strategic collaboration. Additionally, implementing Smart Charging Solutions, adaptable  to grid conditions and user needs, alleviates peak demand and facilitates a smoother  transition to shared electric vehicles. By synergizing efforts, the EV industry and energy  providers can effectively address concerns and chart a course towards a more sustainable  future.

#LEVS: While lithium-ion batteries are currently dominant, there's active research into  alternative battery technologies. From a business development standpoint, what are the  key factors that can be considered when evaluating the potential of emerging battery  technologies for future EV applications?

#Carlo Iacovini: Right now, lithium-ion batteries are the go-to choice, but the future holds exciting  possibilities. When exploring new battery technologies, several key factors come into play.  Firstly, Energy Density—how much energy a battery can store relative to its size or  weight. Higher density means EVs can travel farther on a single charge.

Secondly, Charging Speed—how quickly a battery can be charged. Faster charging  enhances the user experience and reduces concerns about running out of power. Next, Cost and Sustainability—are critical considerations. It's essential to evaluate the  production cost, raw material sourcing, and the environmental impact of battery disposal. Lastly, Safety—is paramount. Assessing how well a battery performs under extreme  conditions and the potential fire risks ensures they operate safely in real-world scenarios.

By carefully evaluating these factors, we can identify the most suitable batteries for the  future of EVs.

#LEVS: Your experience spans both traditional automotive and new mobility. How can the  knowledge and expertise from established car manufacturers be best integrated with the  innovative spirit of new EV startups to accelerate the industry's progress?

#Carlo Iacovini: The traditional auto industry and EV startups each bring their own strengths to the table. Established car manufacturers offer extensive experience in manufacturing, supply chain management, and safety regulations, while EV startups bring innovative ideas, agility, and a focus on cutting-edge technologies. By collaborating through joint ventures, technology licensing, and shared platforms, they can create a win-win situation, leveraging their  respective strengths to accelerate progress in the industry.

#LEVS: Events like the London EV Show connect diverse EV players. How do these events  accelerate solutions for charging, batteries, and consumer adoption?

#Carlo Iacovini: Events like the London EV Show are pivotal in fast-tracking solutions for the future. They  serve as a hub where EV manufacturers, energy providers, policymakers, and consumers  come together, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. These gatherings also  serve as a platform to showcase cutting-edge innovations in charging technology,  batteries, and user experiences, attracting investors and generating excitement among  consumers. Moreover, they facilitate industry discussions that identify and address key  challenges in EV adoption, paving the way for solutions and policy changes that ensure a  smoother transition to a sustainable future.