Across the globe, many organisations have come to the forefront to deal with the urgent issue of the climate crisis, with Carbon Zero emerging as one such notable name. In a recent interview, the CEO of the company, Carlos Alberto Tavares Ferreira, discussed with Muhammad Younis their initiatives, including their collaborative efforts with governments and other organisations of their region to address climate vulnerabilities. He also emphasized the importance of strategic planning and its execution, discussing how they integrate various carbon credit and environmental offset models into their strategic approach.

#CTS: How does strategic planning play a crucial role in guiding your organization's efforts to reduce vulnerability to climate change? How do you integrate strategic planning into your project implementation processes?

Carlos: Strategic planning plays a fundamental role in guiding CARBON ZERO’s efforts to reduce vulnerability to climate change, as it allows a structured and proactive approach to identifying risks and implementing effective solutions.

By adopting a long-term perspective, strategic planning helps to anticipate challenges, identify opportunities and allocate resources more efficiently to address climate change.

Integrating strategic planning into project implementation processes involves several essential steps; some important steps we adopt at CARBON ZERO include:

  • The first step is a comprehensive analysis of climate risks that could impact the organisation and its projects. This includes assessing current and future vulnerabilities, considering different climate change scenarios. At the same time, we identify opportunities to innovate and adapt, transforming potential threats into competitive advantages.
  • Based on the assessment of risks and opportunities, we define clear objectives and measurable targets for climate resilience. These objectives guide all subsequent actions and ensure that all efforts are aligned with the organisation's mission and vision.
  • Strategic planning involves active collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, including employees, local communities, partners, suppliers and customers. The engagement of these groups is crucial to ensure that the strategies developed are inclusive, viable and sustainable.
  • With the objectives established, we develop detailed action plans that outline the specific measures to be taken to achieve these objectives. These plans include timelines, resource allocation, responsibilities, and performance indicators to monitor progress.
  • The implementation of climate resilience projects is integrated into existing business processes. This ensures that climate strategies are not treated as isolated initiatives, but rather as an integral part of daily operations and organisational culture.
  • Resilience to climate change requires adaptability. We implement continuous monitoring systems to evaluate the progress and effectiveness of the strategies adopted. From this monitoring, we adjust plans as needed to respond to new data and changing weather conditions.
  • We invest in continuous training so that everyone in the organisation understands the importance of climate strategies and knows how to contribute to their implementation. Furthermore, we maintain transparent communication about objectives, progress and challenges faced, strengthening the commitment and collaboration of the entire team.

Strategic planning, in my view, is not just a theoretical exercise, but a living and dynamic practice that guides every decision and action at CARBON ZERO. It empowers us to face the uncertainties of climate change with confidence and build a more resilient and sustainable future.

#CTS: Can you describe a successful partnership or collaboration with a state government or other organization aimed at addressing vulnerability to climate change? How was this partnership established and what were the main results?

Carlos: A concrete example, highlighting the importance of the partnership presented by CARBON ZERO to the Governments of the State of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Sergipe, and Rio Grande do Sul, in the implementation of the Adaptation and Climate Change Panel. This model is a reference that can be replicated in other Brazilian states, bringing significant benefits in the fight against climate change.

Establishment of the Partnership:

  • Identification of Common Objectives: The partnership presented by CARBON ZERO to partner governments. It starts with mutual recognition of the urgent need to address climate vulnerabilities in each state. Both partners had a common goal of creating robust adaptation and mitigation strategies that benefit local communities and the environment.
  • Strategic Alignment: We held a series of initial meetings to align our visions and strategies. These discussions involved state government representatives, climate experts from CARBON ZERO, academics and community leaders. Together, we outline the main objectives and specific goals of the Climate Change and Adaptation Panel.
  • Formalization of the Agreement: With a clear understanding of the objectives and approach, a cooperation agreement to implement the partnership. This agreement should detail each party's responsibilities, committed resources, and panel governance mechanisms.

Main results:

  • Mapping of Vulnerabilities and Risks: Using CARBON ZERO technical expertise, we carried out a detailed mapping of climate vulnerabilities in all partner states. This included analyzing risks such as floods, droughts, landslides and changes in precipitation patterns. This data was fundamental in directing our adaptation actions.
  • Development of Localized Action Plans: Based on the mapping results, we developed specific action plans for different regions of the state. These strategies included both structural measures, such as building resilient infrastructure, and non-structural initiatives, such as empowering communities and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Institutional and Community Strengthening: We promote a series of workshops and training to train public officials, community leaders and members of civil society in climate resilience practices. Through these actions, we strengthen local capacities to deal with the impacts of climate change in an autonomous and sustainable way.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: We have implemented a robust monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress of adaptation actions. Using advanced technology and participatory methods, we are able to adjust our strategies in real time, ensuring the effectiveness of interventions.
  • Communication and Engagement: We developed a comprehensive communications campaign to raise awareness about climate change and the panel's actions. This included creating educational materials, holding public events and using digital platforms to engage the population.

Importance of Partnerships:

The partnership between state governments and CARBON ZERO is essential for the success of the State Adaptation and Climate Change Panels. This collaboration brought a number of significant benefits:

  • Synergy of Expertise: CARBON ZERO brought specialized technical knowledge and practical experience in climate mitigation and adaptation, complementing the institutional capabilities of state governments.
  • Resources and Infrastructure: State governments provide logistical resources and infrastructure, facilitating the implementation of planned actions.
  • Community Engagement: Joint work ensures that actions are inclusive and adapted to local needs and realities, promoting greater acceptance and participation of communities.
  • Replicable Model: The success of this partnership created a robust model that can be adapted and replicated in other Brazilian states, expanding the positive impacts in the fight against climate change.

The experience of the State Panels on Adaptation and Climate Change exemplifies how well-structured and collaborative partnerships can bring tangible and lasting results. The union between State Governments and CARBON ZERO will not only effectively address climate vulnerabilities, but also creates a clear path for other regions to follow. This cooperation model is proof that, together, we can build a more resilient and sustainable future for everyone. This openness has also resulted in a significant reduction in the vulnerability of Coastal Communities to climate change.

In addition to tangible improvements in infrastructure and disaster preparedness, there will be a strengthening of the social and institutional fabric, enabling communities to face future climate challenges with greater resilience.

The key to the success of this collaboration will be continued engagement and building trust between all parties involved. By ensuring that local voices were heard and that actions were adapted to local realities, we were able to create sustainable and lasting solutions.

This experience highlights the importance of CARBON ZERO in truly collaborative partnerships, where knowledge and resources are shared to face common challenges in an effective and humane way.

# CTS: Could you provide an example of a project where your organisation effectively used carbon credit and environmental offset models to reduce vulnerability to climate change? How were these models integrated into the strategic planning and implementation phases of the project?

Carlos: A notable example of how our organisation CARBON ZERO, in partnership with BRASIL CARBONO, used carbon credit and environmental compensation models to reduce vulnerability to climate change is the adoption of the Green CPR (Green Rural Product Certificate) model.

This model was fundamental for us to integrate sustainable practices in the strategic planning and implementation phases of the project.

Strategic Planning and Project Implementation:

  • Carbon Stock Inventory: First, we carried out a detailed inventory of the carbon stock present in the legal reserves and permanent protection areas of rural properties. This step is essential to determine the amount of carbon stored in forests and areas of native vegetation, creating a solid basis for pricing environmental assets.
  • Pricing and Certification of Assets: After the inventory, we price these environmental assets, considering the potential for generating carbon credits. We register and certify these properties on the B3 Stock Exchange, ensuring transparency and credibility in the process. The registered property title receives a National and International Identifier (Izin), facilitating the direct negotiation of carbon credits.
  • Blockchain Tokenization Platform: To further innovate, we created a tokenization platform using Blockchain technology. This system not only modernizes the way carbon credits are negotiated, but also guarantees security and traceability in transactions. Tokenization allows each carbon credit to be represented digitally, facilitating its commercialization and liquidity in the market.
  • Protection of Fauna, Flora and Water Resources: Through the preservation of forests, our Green CPR model directly contributes to the protection of biodiversity and water resources. Preserved areas become safe habitats for various species of fauna and flora, in addition to protecting springs and watercourses, essential for the environmental sustainability of rural properties.
  • Decarbonization for companies and industries: Green CPR allows companies and industries to access our tokenized Blockchain platform and buy their credits for compensation and direct decarbonization, without intermediaries and without bureaucracy... as an example, I send the platform's website here

The impact of this project is significant. By integrating Green CPR into strategic planning, we were able to not only generate economic benefits for rural landowners through the sale of carbon credits, but also promote environmental conservation on a large scale.

The adopted methodology ensures that Brazilian rural properties become less vulnerable to climate change, keeping their forests standing and protecting essential ecosystems.

Our innovative and multifaceted approach at CARBON ZERO and BRASIL CARBONO demonstrate how it is possible to combine economic development with environmental responsibility, creating a sustainable model that can be replicated in other regions and sectors, with compliance, transparency and credibility.

#CTS: How do you view events like the London Climate Technology Show, which provide a venue to discuss and showcase climate technology solutions aimed at tackling climate change vulnerabilities on a global level?

Carlos: It's a great pleasure to share my view of the London Climate Technology Show. Events like this play a very relevant role in our fight against climate change on a global level. Because they offer a unique platform where innovation, collaboration and action meet, promoting technological solutions that directly address the vulnerabilities caused by climate change.

The London Climate Technology Show is a beacon of hope and progress on the global climate stage. It brings together leaders, experts, innovators and investors from around the world, creating a conducive environment for exchanging ideas and building strategic partnerships. This event stands out for several reasons:

  • The show is a true catalyst for technological innovation. Here, we see cutting-edge technologies emerging that have the potential to transform the way we approach climate change mitigation and adaptation. From renewable energy solutions to carbon capture and storage technologies, the event is a showcase of the most advanced and promising.
  • Collaboration is essential to face a global challenge as complex as climate change. The London Climate Technology Show facilitates this collaboration by bringing together brilliant minds from diverse fields and sectors. This interdisciplinary interaction generates powerful synergies, accelerating the development and implementation of effective solutions.
  • In addition to being a business and technology space, the event inspires and educates. Lectures, workshops and panel discussions provide valuable insights, share best practices and highlight success stories. This knowledge sharing is essential to empower everyone involved in the journey to a more sustainable future.

At the London Climate Technology Show, it's not just about talking about climate change, it's about taking concrete action. The event encourages tangible commitments and actions, driving projects and initiatives that make a difference in the real world. This is essential to transform awareness into actions that have a positive impact.

On behalf of CARBON ZERO, I want to express my deep admiration and support for the exceptional work carried out by the London Climate Technology Show. This event not only highlights the best climate technology solutions, but also inspires a new generation of leaders and innovators to take bold and necessary action to protect our planet.

We are proud to be part of this global community dedicated to building a sustainable and resilient future. Together, with events like the London Climate Technology Show, we will continue to advance the fight against climate change, promoting innovative and collaborative solutions that protect our environment and ensure a better future for everyone.