An Insightful Q&A Session with Amro Heikal, Global Technology and Sustainability Leader at AK Well Services

To combat climate change effectively, it is essential to reduce carbon emissions from industries responsible for them. Among these industries, the oil and gas sector stands out, accounting for approximately 10% of total emissions on an industry-wide scale. Therefore, it necessitates significant reforms. In a recent Q&A session with Amro Heikal, the Global Technology and Sustainability Leader at AK Well Services, we delved into sustainable alternatives for traditional oil and gas drilling operations.

#CTS: How do oil and gas drilling operations contribute to the total greenhouse gas emissions? Could you highlight specific examples of successful sustainable alternatives and innovative technologies that are employed to reduce carbon emissions in oil and gas drilling? How do these alternatives compare in terms of both environmental impact and operational efficiency?

Amro Heikal: Oil and gas drilling operations contribute to greenhouse gas emissions in several ways. According to one of Schlumberger reports, oil and gas extraction activities create about 10% of all current E&P-related emissions industry-wide. These emissions come primarily from CO2 generated by fuel used to power generators and other equipment on drilling rigs, platforms, and other well construction- and production-related equipment and infrastructure.

One example is the use of high performance water base mud to replace oil or diesel based fluid. I was involved myself in developing and implementing this approach on several projects around the world. The Science Council did share an article about my contribution prior to COP26 in Glasgow as per this link.

A new, more sustainable drilling fluid has been produced which reduces pollution and carbon emissions and improves the health conditions of workers. The new systems proved to be an excellent alternative to the diesel base in terms of operation efficiency.

#CTS: In your opinion, what are the main obstacles or challenges that hinder the widespread adoption of sustainable drilling alternatives on a global scale? What strategies or initiatives could effectively address these challenges?

Amro Heikal: Developing and implementing sustainable drilling alternatives often requires significant technological advancements and innovations. This can be a major challenge, as it requires significant investment in research and development, as well as the need to overcome technical hurdles. The regulatory environment can also pose challenges to the adoption of sustainable drilling alternatives. For example, there may be a lack of clear regulations or incentives to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices, or there may be regulatory barriers that make it difficult for companies to implement sustainable drilling alternatives. There may also be a lack of awareness and education among industry stakeholders about the benefits and feasibility of sustainable drilling alternatives. This can make it difficult to build support for the adoption of these practices.

There are several strategies and initiatives that could effectively address the challenges hindering the widespread adoption of sustainable drilling alternatives on a global scale. Some of these include:

  1. Investment in research and development: Investing in research and development can help to overcome technological limitations and drive innovation in sustainable drilling practices. This could include funding for academic research, as well as support for industry-led research and development initiatives.
  2. Collaboration and partnerships: Collaboration and partnerships between industry stakeholders, policymakers, and other key players can help to overcome geopolitical concerns and promote the adoption of sustainable drilling practices. This could include initiatives to promote international cooperation on sustainable drilling, as well as partnerships between companies to share knowledge and best practices.
  3. Incentives and regulations: Governments can play a key role in promoting the adoption of sustainable drilling practices by providing incentives and implementing regulations that encourage companies to invest in sustainable technologies. This could include tax incentives, subsidies, or other financial support for companies that adopt sustainable practices, as well as regulations that require companies to reduce their emissions or adopt sustainable drilling practices.
  4. Education and awareness: Promoting education and awareness about the benefits and feasibility of sustainable drilling alternatives can help to build support for their adoption among industry stakeholders and the broader public. This could include initiatives to provide training and education for industry professionals, as well as public awareness campaigns to promote the benefits of sustainable drilling practices.
    Overall, addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders to invest in research and development, promote collaboration and partnerships, provide incentives and regulations, and promote education and awareness about the benefits of sustainable drilling practices.

#CTS: How do you see the collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and research institutions playing a role in shaping regulations and policies that encourage the reduction of carbon emissions from oil and gas drilling? Can you provide examples of regions where such collaboration has been particularly successful?

Amro Heikal: Collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and research institutions can play a crucial role in shaping regulations and policies that encourage the reduction of carbon emissions from oil and gas drilling. By working together, these groups can share knowledge, expertise, and resources to develop effective strategies for reducing emissions.

Governments can provide the regulatory framework and incentives to encourage companies to adopt sustainable drilling practices. They can also fund research into new technologies and support the development of industry standards for sustainable drilling.

Industry stakeholders can bring their practical experience and knowledge of the industry to the table, helping to identify the most effective strategies for reducing emissions. They can also invest in research and development to drive innovation in sustainable drilling practices.

Research institutions can provide the scientific expertise and knowledge needed to develop new technologies and understand the environmental impact of different drilling practices. They can also conduct independent research to evaluate the effectiveness of different strategies for reducing emissions.

By collaborating, these groups can develop a shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with reducing emissions from oil and gas drilling. They can work together to develop effective regulations and policies that balance the need for economic growth with the need to protect the environment.

There are several regions where collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and research institutions has been particularly successful in reducing carbon emissions from oil and gas drilling. Some examples include:

Norway: Norway has a long history of collaboration between the government, industry, and research institutions to reduce emissions from the oil and gas sector. The government has implemented a range of policies and regulations to encourage the adoption of sustainable drilling practices, including a carbon tax and support for research and development. As a result, Norway has been able to significantly reduce emissions from its oil and gas sector while maintaining a strong and competitive industry.

Canada: Canada has also been successful in reducing emissions from its oil and gas sector through collaboration between the government, industry, and research institutions. The government has implemented a range of policies to encourage the adoption of sustainable drilling practices, including regulations to reduce methane emissions and support for research and development. Industry stakeholders have also played an active role in driving innovation in sustainable drilling practices.
These examples demonstrate the potential for collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and research institutions to drive innovation and reduce emissions from the oil and gas sector.

Q4: Given the urgency of addressing climate change, what do you believe are the most crucial steps that the oil and gas industry should take in the coming years to significantly mitigate carbon emissions while ensuring energy security and economic viability?

Amro Heikal: Given the urgency of addressing climate change, there are several crucial steps that the oil and gas industry should take in the coming years to significantly mitigate carbon emissions while ensuring energy security and economic viability. Some of these steps include:
Investing in research and development: The oil and gas industry should invest in research and development to drive innovation in sustainable drilling practices. This could include developing new technologies to reduce emissions from drilling operations, as well as exploring alternative energy sources such as renewable energy.

Adopting sustainable drilling practices: The industry should adopt sustainable drilling practices to reduce its carbon footprint. This could include using high-performance water-based muds to replace low-toxic oil or diesel-based fluids, as well as implementing other technologies and practices to reduce emissions from drilling operations.

Collaborating with governments and other stakeholders: The oil and gas industry should collaborate with governments, industry stakeholders, and research institutions to develop effective regulations and policies that encourage the reduction of carbon emissions from drilling operations. This could include working together to develop incentives and regulations that promote the adoption of sustainable drilling practices.

Promoting transparency and accountability: The industry should promote transparency and accountability in its efforts to reduce carbon emissions. This could include reporting on its emissions and progress towards reducing its carbon footprint, as well as engaging with stakeholders to discuss its efforts to address climate change.

Overall, the oil and gas industry has a crucial role to play in addressing climate change. By taking these steps, the industry can significantly mitigate its carbon emissions while ensuring energy security and economic viability.

Q5: The London Climate Technology Show provides a platform for exchanging ideas about approaches and tactics to address climate change. How do you view gatherings of this nature?

Amro Heikal: Gatherings such as the London Climate Technology Show are incredibly important in the fight against climate change. These events provide a platform for experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and other stakeholders to come together and exchange ideas about approaches and tactics to address this global challenge.

At events like the London Climate Technology Show, participants can share their knowledge and expertise, learn from one another, and collaborate on new initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. These gatherings also provide an opportunity for stakeholders to showcase new technologies and innovations that can help to reduce emissions and promote sustainable development.

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